Monday, May 11, 2009

While I was sweeping...

This past weekend was Mothers’ Day. My husband and I planned an over night trip down to Southern California, to visit our Moms. This meant leaving our two little angels, Kip and Zoe to be cared for by our friend, Wayne.

After a long week at work, and an artists’ reception at the gallery on Friday night, my house was looking a bit neglected. Knowing that someone would be coming into our home, I thought I had better at least sweep the floors and tidy up a bit. Well, while I was sweeping, I noticed some orange “stuff” on the floor. I couldn’t figure it out, pointed it out to my hubby, and he cleaned it up. Then I noticed some orange “stuff” on the side of Zoe’s paw. I grabbed a doggie wipe and started cleaning it off. I made my way into the family room and found green “stuff” on the carpet. This time I called my hubby over and asked what he thought it could be. Then I noticed that our other dog, Kip had a green paw. I was concerned that someone may have thrown something over the back fence and the dogs had gotten into it. It was too dark outside to go search the grounds, so I waited until the next morning, and before we left for Southern California, I made a search of the grounds – I found nothing!

Well, we set off on our trip and I forgot about the orange and green marks and paws. That is, until Sunday morning when my husband handed me the following…

As soon as I opened the card, I burst out laughing. My "artsy" husband and dogs were at it again, and I am once again reminded that artwork comes in all forms…

I hope you had a very Happy Mothers’ Day! Deborah

1 comment:

Amber said...

That is hilarious!! Good job David!