Monday, July 27, 2009


Personal review
Involvement in things
Other than those
Ranking high on my priority list.
I realized it was
Time to make some changes and
Invest in those activites that I
Enjoy and fulfill my personal goals for this
Season of life

And so, I have done some soul searching and have made the following decisions:

First, I have decided to no longer be involved in the Gallery at Marina Square. Don’t get me wrong, the gallery and the people in the gallery are great, I just found that during this season in life, I was spending more time and resources than I could afford at the gallery.

Second, I have signed up to be a “Big Buddy” at church. I don’t know all of the details yet, but when they made an announcement asking for adults with special interests or skills to sign up to share them with a child, I was immediately reminded of the days I taught art in my home and knew I had to sign up. It was a wonderful experience to be able to share the gifts that God has given me and encourage children along the way. I look forward to learning more about the program and can’t wait to meet the child they pair me up with!

Third, I have to confess, I had great intensions when I started this blog, but I made the number one mistake – for me. I didn’t set a schedule. And so, I will commit to blogging regularly on Tuesdays…and irregularly = ) on other days. My Tuesday blog will include a “What’s on my easel” section, so you can see what I am working on at the moment, and other things that I think might be of interest to you.

Now what about you? Is there something that you have wondered about, or are interested in knowing/learning more about? If so, please let me know, either via email or posted as a comment here.

As always, I appreciate you! May you have an absolutely lovely day and may you live your life with your priorities in order and fulfilling those things that are important to you!


Robin said...

Love your definition of priorities. I look forward to seeing what you are working on and hearing of how God is using you as a Big Buddy.

saundra C. said...

You absolutely amaze us all Deb....We love to watch your work progress! Now this jewelry thing needs to develop into pieces we can buy from you!!!! Have you thought about it??? There are so many things you're involved in ... how do you structure your life??? Your heart and love for life shines through with all the Art you do!!!! Continue to enjoy what you do as we enjoy seeing it too!!!!